I met Sally in College – her red hair + adorable giggle could capture your attention from across the room. As the years have gone by, we have been able to stay in touch – meeting for game nights, dinners + now, sweet baby snuggles. She is the first in our friend group to have a little one, so it’s been fun to see the group dynamic change + morph. Mainly, I just ignore everyone else and soak in the baby love as much as possible. Because, oh that new baby smell!
Reese + Sally welcomed Graham into the world not exactly according to plan – but baby G had his own plan! In the end, Momma + baby are safe and healthy, and that is all that matters. They were welcomed home by Graham’s big (slobbery) siblings who are so in love with him, it makes your heart melt. Those pups always want to know where he is, why he is crying and what he is doing – the sweetest.
Congratulations Reese + Sally, it is so fun to see you in your new roles as Mom and Dad! I can’t wait to see this next year bring you lots of new adventures + a whole lotta love! xo
Let me know how I can get pictures! They are adorable!