(6 1/4 leap years)
Dear Mom & Dad:
Today I want to say “THANK YOU”.
25 years ago you gave me my life, and I couldn’t be more thankful.
How fortunate I am to have been raised in family with so much love & support – by two amazing role models.
Today I think back on a quarter century of memories, laughs, lessons & struggles.
You have taught me to be confident, loyal & true to my beliefs. You have always encouraged me to be myself & spread my wings.
I am so blessed to have this crazy beautiful life, with good friends and family surrounding me.
This year when I blow out the candles there will only be one wish – that Grams was here to celebrate with us.
Thank you for making her, and all of my grandparents, important in my life. Their love and laughter will be with me always.
No longer your chubby bald babe, but a hillside gal chasing her dreams – and all because of you.
Love you to the moon and back.

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