On October 8, 2011 my older cousin Halima gave birth to a perfect baby boy – Henry Cane Cegur. I still have the voicemail from Grandma Cane calling at 5:21 am to tell me the exciting news. I never knew how much I could love something until I held him for the first time. Immediately Henry had me wrapped around his finger for life. He has brought our family happiness & joy in ways I cannot even begin to explain. I had the honor of being asked to be his Godmother (“Kuma” in Croatian) and have been called that since. In this past year I have been able to visit them in Chicago 5 times, each time being harder to say goodbye than the last. Getting on that plane to go home is horrible. I knew I couldn’t miss celebrating his first year of life, so this last weekend Drew & I jumped on a flight & headed to Chi Town. It is the most amazing thing to see Henry’s face light up when I enter the room, the sound of his little feet following me around and giggling at Kuma’s silly faces. I cherish these moments more than anything else. Seeing Andrew love this tiny human as much as I do makes my heart explode with happiness. This time, when we went to leave, both of us had to choke back tears. Those last hugs & watching Halima & Henry disappear in the back window of the cab break my heart. By the time we get to the end of the block my eyes are always filled with tears. When we got home & put down our bags Drew looked at me & said “I know. I miss him already too”. Being away from family is hard & skype can only do the trick for so long. The thing I hold on to are pictures, perfect weekend memories, and the countdown to the next time we see each other. I am lucky to have such a wonderful older confidant, who has been more of a sister than a cousin to me. She brought the most perfect blessing into all of our lives & life would just not be the same without him. Happy 1st Birthday Henry, can’t wait to celebrate so many more with you lil man. xoxo Kuma
Amanda your post and these photos brought tears to MY eyes! Henry is so handsome… he is so lucky to have a Kuma like you!!! xoxo